Ayurveda in Varanasi

Ayurveda in Varanasi - Varanasi Ayurveda - Ayurveda Ashram in Varanasi

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Meaning of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is ancient Indian natural and holistic medicine-medicine system. When translating Ayurveda from Sanskrit, it means "science of life" (the original word in Sanskrit means ayur means "longevity" or age and Veda means "science". Allopathy medicines (heterogeneous medicine) are focused on the management of the disease, whereas the prevention of Ayurveda disease and if the disease arises, its basic cause is to be expelled, it provides its knowledge. Knowledge of Ayurveda first went forward verbally from the descendants of Rishi Munis of India, after which it was written by integrating it five thousand years ago. The oldest text on Ayurveda is Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang Hridayah. This book explains the five elements found in space-earth, water, fire, and sky, which affect our individual system. They understand the importance of keeping these five elements balanced for a healthy and happy life.

History of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is a medicine or system of medicine that had originated in India many years ago. The complete secret of Ayurveda Medicines is linked to the history of India. Today, most modern and alternative medicine from around the world has been taken from Ayurveda. The ancient Ayurvedic medicine was started with the texts of the Goddesses and later it reached human medicine. In Sushruta Samhita, it has been clearly written that how Dhanvantari embraced the form of a mythical king of Varanasi and after that, some intelligent physicians and Acharya Sushrut himself gave knowledge about medicines. Most herbal things are used in the treatment of Ayurveda. According to the texts some minerals and metals were also used to make medicines. Even some of the methods of surgery from ancient Ayurvedic grants have been learned, such as Rhinoplasty, Perineal Lithotomy, Wounds Suturing, etc.

Ayurveda in Varanasi:

Varanasi has so many Ayurveda ashrams and Ayurveda centers. There are certain procedures and medicines for each problem. Medicines are generally herbal things from Indian subcontinent.