Bharat Kal Bhavan Museum

Bharat Kal Bhavan Museum - Varanasi Attraction

Bharat Kala Bhawan Varanasi, Varanasi City Tour

Bharat Kal Bhawan, Varanasi is a gallery in Kashi Hindu University premises. It is Asia's largest university museum. Here the pictures of Indian short films from 12th to 20th century are displayed in Vythika. In his depiction, palm paper, paper, cloth, lumbar, ivory etc. has been used.
Bharat Kal Bhawan was established in 1920. Famous Art Practicing and Kalvid Padmabhishan Rai Krishnadas was the founder of the Bharat Kalak Bhawan Museum. He dedicated his whole life to the collection for the Bharat Kal Bhawan. This dedication and self-confidence of his life today is glorifying Kashi Hindu University as 'Bharat Kal Bharat'. In this museum there are pictures of thousands of different styles almost compiled. All of these pictures have their own different and exciting stories. Here only those pictures are being discussed which are the pictures which have their own place in the world. So you also go this weekend and understand Kashi culture.
The museum has a wide ranging collections belonging to different time periods. The most interesting among them is the vault section where many items made of gold, jade and platinum are on display.These materials are basically Mughal era coins, designer smoking pipes etc. This Museum is basically an Archaeological Museum where you can get a complete picture of the History, Culture and Archaeology of the Gangetic region and particularly the mystic city of Varanasi. From here you can walk to the new Viswanath Temple in 15 minutes.