Pandit Ghanshyam Dutt ji, a businessman residing in Kolkata, was a builder on 5 acres of land in the Mukkshu Bhawan, Kolkata, for the household and sannyasins who wanted to sacrifice the body in the city of Moksha. People stay here and wait for their death. In this 55-room building, there is a nominal expenditure for people to live in, and in return, the entire arrangement of food and lodging is almost inadequate. There is also a Sanskrit witchcraft for children in this building, where more than 50 children receive free Sanskrit language education. Since the beginning, the nature of this building has changed greatly. In order to ensure the running of all the arrangements for the operation of the Mumukh Bhavan and to accommodate all the arrangements of those who live in it, the administrators here provided additional room for pilgrims to the place of marriage, for the purpose of raising the income of the institution. From which the income of the institution increased and the arrangement of the Mumukshu Bhavan was better maintained. Though the Mumukshu Bhawan is built in Kashi, the people living in Kashi Nagar are not allowed to stay here. Except Varanasi, people who come from any part of the world can live here. At present, there are around 150 stalwarts and bell masters in Mumukshu Bhavan, while about 55 domestic couple is waiting here for the last drop of their lives. Apart from all these people, arrangements are made for the daily free food for the Batukas studying in the Sanskrit school of the building. For every householder living in Mumukshu Bhavan, there must be some kind of guarantor, who can arrange for the treatment of his relatives who are sick here. After the treatment of the Sanyasis and Pandis living in Mumukshu Bhavan and after their death, the whole arrangement of the funeral is done by the institution itself. If a domestic couple dies, then the family is informed first. If the family members come in time, their funeral is done by them or by the institution in Mokhanagari Kashi, by traditional method. In this way, the Mumukshu Bhavan has been helping the people in selflessness to fulfill the ambition of salvation.